wildcard matching
Tony Bielobockie
Tony.Bielobockie at urchin.fidonet.org
Sat Dec 29 04:45:43 AEST 1990
To: Alex Martelli
AM> Optimizing this, and in particular eliminating the recursive call,
AM> is, on the other hand, a rather interesting exercise, but one I'd
AM> undertake only if wildcard-matching was proven-by-profiling to be
AM> a bottleneck in my application... which is rather unlikely, I think.
I think that the recursive call is unnessicary. Consider that anything
trailing the '*' character is ignored anyway, at least in MS-DOS, and
OS/2. What need is there for further checking if a '*' character is
encountered? Does that hold true in the UNIX would too?
The following function will return the same results, with the exceptional
case being when the '*' character is not the last character in the
string. Plus it is a little speedier, due to the fact that no data is
copied from the original string.
int wildmatch( char *pat, char *str )
while ( (*pat != '*') && (*pat != 0) && (*str != 0) )
if ( (*pat != '?') && (*str != *pat) )
return 0;
if ( (!*pat && *str) || (!*str && *pat) )
return 0;
return( 1 );
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