Question about Declaration Specifiers

Satish Kumar .C chittamu at
Tue Feb 27 03:14:35 AEST 1990

The grammar in K & R 2nd edition gives the rule for Declaration
Specifiers as follows.

Declaration_Specifiers : Storage_Class_Specifier
			| Type_Specifier
			| Type_Qualifier
			| Storage_Class_Specifier Declaration_Specifiers
			| Type_Specifier Declaration_Specifiers
			| Type_Qualifier Declaration_Specifiers

Obviously this means we can have declarations of the sort

register const int
const register int
int register const


I was always under the impression that the rule had to be

Declaration_Specifiers : Type_Qualifier Storage_Class_Specifier Type_Specifier

Am I mistaken? Is my interpretation of K & R's grammar correct? Or is
there some other reason for it being that way? Any help would be greatly

	chittamu at
The Theory of Objectivity: E = MC++

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