Re^4: Why nested comments not allowed?

chris mcdonald chris at wacsvax.OZ
Mon Feb 19 10:09:56 AEST 1990

dalenber at cbnewsc.ATT.COM (Russel Dalenberg) writes:

>In article <1523 at wacsvax.OZ>, chris at wacsvax.OZ (chris mcdonald) writes:
>	printf("A comment is ended with */");

Ho, hum, now your compiler, lexical analyser can't detect strings either?

Chris McDonald.

Department of Computer Science,   ACSnet:   chris at wacsvax.oz
University of Western Australia,  ARPA:     chris%wacsvax.oz at
Mounts Bay Road,                  UUCP:     ..!uunet!murtoa!wacsvax!chris
Crawley, Western Australia, 6009. SDI:      (31.97 +/-10% S, 115.81 +/-10% E)
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