Why nested comments not allowed?

Brad Appleton brad at SSD.CSD.HARRIS.COM
Fri Feb 23 02:16:59 AEST 1990

Personally, I prefer what C++ does using "/*", "*/" for long comments
and "\\", end-of-line for one liners. This makes it easier to comment
out code using "/*", "*/" if I only use "\\" comments inside them 
(thats a *big* IF though -- I would still probably use "#ifdef 0")

IMHO, Im not sure the issue is worth all the attention we seem to have
given it (some obviously disagree). Couldnt we let this topic die now?
(Am I the only one who feels this way?)
+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "... and miles to go before I sleep." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+
|  Brad Appleton   MS-161              |    PHONE  : (305) 973-5007           |
|  Harris Computer Systems Division    |    DOMAIN : brad at ssd.csd.harris.com  |
|  2101 West Cypress Creek Road        |    UUCP   : ...!novavax!hcx1!brad    |
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