ANSI C book recommendations needed

rigoutso at ROBROY.NYU.EDU rigoutso at ROBROY.NYU.EDU
Thu Feb 8 11:03:11 AEST 1990

Hello everyone.
I am looking for a good and advanced book on "ANSI C". I would appreciate
receiving people's suggestions. You can post or e-mail.
Thanks in advance,


p.s. I would not mind trading "advanced" for "good" in the requirements above.

Isidore Rigoutsos 			  |Internet: rigoutso at
Computer Science Department 		  |BITNET:rigoutso%robroy at NYUCIMSA
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences|UUCP: ...!cmcl2!robroy!rigoutso 
New York University			  |
251 Mercer Street			  |FAX: (212) 995 4122
New York, NY 10012    			  |Voice: (212) 998 3471

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