
Julian ANIGBOGU anigbogu at loria.crin.fr
Fri Feb 23 03:04:49 AEST 1990

Can some kind soul point me to where I can get a PC implementation of
the Unix C popen() /* for handle to a pipe */. I manipulate huge
rasterfiles(from a scanner) on a Sun and I adopted the policy of
compressing all files to save disk space. I open them with
popen("uncompress -c filename","r") so that they remain compressed on

 I now need to port the programs to DOS and to my chagrin my regular
compiler doesn't implement a pipe open.

 Suggestions in any form would be appreciated.


e-mail:	anigbogu at loria.crin.fr 	| All opinions expressed here are      |
				|  naturally mine. However ...         |

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