Re^4: Why nested comments not allowed?

dougp at dougp at
Wed Feb 21 15:43:53 AEST 1990

In article <1525 at wacsvax.OZ>, chris at wacsvax.OZ (chris mcdonald) writes...
>dalenber at cbnewsc.ATT.COM (Russel Dalenberg) writes:
>>In article <1523 at wacsvax.OZ>, chris at wacsvax.OZ (chris mcdonald) writes:
>>	printf("A comment is ended with */");
>Ho, hum, now your compiler, lexical analyser can't detect strings either?
Comment this:

printf("\"*/goto hell;/*\"");/* "\" is the escape charactor*/

Build me a parser that handles this situation properly and I might
begin to believe that nesting comments are possible. I personaly 
prefer comment to end of line (like Microsofts //) for commenting
out large blocks of code, it makes it easy to tell (on one of these
damn 25 line displaies) just what has been commented out.

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