MicroSoft C version 5.10

David J. Hughes bambi at kirk.nmg.bu.oz
Tue Feb 27 04:17:56 AEST 1990

>From article <7681 at>, by pa1486 at (Cameron Paul NtheMix):
> Does anyone know why I am getting something like:
> "Cannot open intermediate file"
> I believe the error code is c1040 or c1048.  I do not have the

MSC creates intermediate files in a directory pointed to be the
environment variable TMP.

Does this exist and point to a legal and directory?

| David J. Hughes   (AKA bambi)	 |   bambi at                  |
| Systems Programmer		 |   bambi at     |
| Network Management Group       |   ..!uunet!munnari!!bambi |
| Bond University, Gold Coast    |   Phone : +61 75 951111                   |
| Queensland,  Australia  4229   |   Fax :   +61 75 951456                   |

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