Soundex algorithm

Fred Smith fredex at cg-atla.UUCP
Thu Jan 25 03:36:51 AEST 1990

Please pardon the cross-posting--a while back someone was asking about
algorithms such as soundex, for finding the "likeness" of two strings
(but I don't recall which group that was in, hence the cross-posting.).

Below is a program, typed in from published listings in Dr. Dobbs Journal
November 1987 issue which implements a different algorithm for
comparing strings.  See the magazine article for explanation.

Hope that whoever the person was who made the inquiry finds this and
finds it useful!

Fred Smith
fredex at

 *	bickel.c
 *	from Dr. Dobbs Journal, Nov 87
 *	A C implementation of Bickel's name comparison
 *	algorithm, CACM 30/3 (March 1987), p. 244.
 *	This is generic C code and should work on any 
 *	compiler with no modification.
 *	Jim Howell, March 1987
 *	This code is placed in the Public domain. You are
 *	free to use it in any way you see fit.

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

unsigned char	MaskArray [52] = {0, 0x40,		/* a */
				  3, 0x80,		/* b */
				  2, 0x20,		/* c */
				  1, 0x10,		/* d */
				  0, 0x20,		/* e */
				  2, 0x10,		/* f */
				  2, 0x08,		/* g */
				  1, 0x08,		/* h */
				  0, 0x10,		/* i */
				  3, 0x08,		/* j */
				  3, 0x20,		/* k */
				  1, 0x04,		/* l */
				  2, 0x04,		/* m */
				  0, 0x08,		/* n */
				  0, 0x04,		/* o */
				  2, 0x02,		/* p */
				  3, 0x10,		/* q */
				  1, 0x02,		/* r */
				  0, 0x02,		/* s */
				  0, 0x01,		/* t */
				  1, 0x01,		/* u */
				  3, 0x40,		/* v */
				  2, 0x01,		/* w */
				  3, 0x04,		/* x */
				  3, 0x02,		/* y */
				  3, 0x01};		/* z */

 *	Demonstrate the algorithm with some short examples.

 main ()
	unsigned char LetterSet0 [4];
	unsigned char LetterSet1 [4];

	MakeLetterSet ("ecdysiast", LetterSet0);
	MakeLetterSet ("ecstasy", LetterSet1);
	printf ("The likeness of 'ecdysiast' and 'ecstasy' is %d.\n",
		CompareSets (LetterSet0, LetterSet1));

	MakeLetterSet ("ectoplasm", LetterSet1);
	printf ("The likeness of 'ecdysiast' and 'ectoplasm' is %d.\n",
		CompareSets (LetterSet0, LetterSet1));

	MakeLetterSet ("edcysiast", LetterSet1);
	printf ("The likeness of 'ecdysiast' and 'edcysiast' is %d.\n",
		CompareSets (LetterSet0, LetterSet1));

	MakeLetterSet ("ecdysiast", LetterSet1);
	printf ("The likeness of 'ecdysiast' and 'ecdysiast' is %d.\n",
		CompareSets (LetterSet0, LetterSet1));

 *	Make the letter set by going through the string
 *	one character at a time.

MakeLetterSet (Name, Mask)
	char		*Name;
	unsigned char	*Mask;
	char		*pC;
	unsigned char 	*pM;
	int		I;
	int		Lk;

	pC = Name;
	for (I = 0 ; I < 4 ; ++I)
		Mask[I] = 0;

	while (*pC)

 *	Use letters only, convert upper to lower case

 		if (isalpha (*pC))
			pM = &MaskArray [2 * (tolower (*pC) - 'a')];
			Mask [*pM] |= *(pM + 1);

 *	This particular version constructs a mask by using
 *	a logical AND of the relevant bytes of the two sets.
 *	The rightmost bit is checked to see if the likeness
 *	score needs to be increased by the appropriate
 *	weight, and the mask is shifted right one bit. An
 *	alternative would be to use a bit mask and to
 *	shift it instead of the name mask. The two bytes
 *	of the least common letters are checked for content
 *	to eliminate any unnecessary calculations.

CompareSets (Set1, Set2)
	unsigned char	*Set1;
	unsigned char	*Set2;
	unsigned char	Mask;
	int		I;
	int		Lk;

	Lk = 0;

 *	For the first byte

 	Mask = Set1[0] & Set2[0];
	for (I = 0 ; I < 7 ; ++I)
		if (Mask & 0x01)
			Lk += 3;
		Mask >>= 1;

 *	For the second byte

 	Mask = Set1[1] & Set2[1];
	for (I = 0 ; I < 5 ; ++I)
		if (Mask & 0x01)
			Lk += 4;
		Mask >>= 1;

 *	For the third byte

 	Mask = Set1[2] & Set2[2];
	for (I = 0 ; I < 6 ; ++I)
		if (Mask & 0x01)
			Lk += 5;
		Mask >>= 1;

 *	The last byte is more complicated

	Mask = Set1[3] & Set2[3];
	if (!Mask)
		return (Lk);

	if (Mask & 0x01)
		Lk += 9;			/* z */

	Mask >>= 1;
	if (Mask & 0x01)
		Lk += 8;			/* y */

	Mask >>= 1;
	if (Mask & 0x01)
		Lk += 8;			/* x */

	Mask >>= 1;
	if (Mask & 0x01)
		Lk += 8;			/* j */

	Mask >>= 1;
	if (Mask & 0x01)
		Lk += 7;			/* q */

	Mask >>= 1;
	if (Mask & 0x01)
		Lk += 7;			/* k */

	Mask >>= 1;
	if (Mask & 0x01)
		Lk += 6;			/* v */

	Mask >>= 1;
	if (Mask & 0x01)
		Lk += 6;			/* b */

	Mask >>= 1;

	return (Lk);

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