VMS Pascal to C or ISO-Pascal convertor

Joris Linssen joris at tnosoes.izf.tno.nl
Thu Jul 5 22:15:27 AEST 1990

Anybody ever heard of a VMS Pascal to C/ISO-Pascal convertor?????

We need one. It would be nice to have a convertor that removes/replaces
the VMS system-calls, solves procedure-calls using default parameter-values,
comparison of strings with unequal lengths, ......


Joris Linssen
TNO Institute for Perception    Phone : +31 34 63 562 11
P.O. Box 23          		Fax   : +31 34 63 539 77
3769 ZG  Soesterberg    	E-mail: uunet!hp4nl.nluug.nl!tnosoes!joris
The Netherlands         	    or: joris at izf.tno.nl

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