C Users Journal?
Alexander Stockdale
a204 at mindlink.UUCP
Thu Jul 5 23:24:44 AEST 1990
> westk at bionette.cgrb.orst.edu writes:
> Msg-ID: <19210 at orstcs.CS.ORST.EDU>
> Posted: 5 Jul 90 16:52:05 GMT
> Org. : Oregon State University - CMBL
> Person: Ken West - Entomology
> Is the C Users Journal worth subscribing to? I am relatively new to
> C programming.
> =-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> -=-=-=--=
> Kenneth J. West westk at bionette.cgrb.orst.edu
> Dept. of Entomology, OSU, Corvallis, OR 97331-2907 (503)737-3151
I've been a subscriber for a year. During that time the magazine has gone to
monthly publication and changed format. On the whole I'd say it's a good
publication, but I find that it's very slanted towards PC's. This is probably
just a reflection of the enormous number of PC's out there, but at times I find
it frustrating. I'm still trying to decide whether to renew my subscription or
not. If you want to check it out before you subscribe, I've seen it on sale at
computer stores in the States.
Alexander Stockdale | I'm not getting older -- I'm getting bitter.
Vancouver, BC, Canada| - me (as far as I know)
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