Passing Multi-dimensional arrays to a function

Tom Haynes tdh at DRD.Com
Wed Jul 18 08:49:10 AEST 1990

I have two problems, which I suspect are actually one.  First, 
let me lay down some groundwork:

In my header file, arayedit.h, I have:
   #define SCREEN     11
   #define COLS        6
   #define MAX_SCREEN 11
   #define KEYS       500
   int ared2bf(struct st_edit **, int, char ***, int *, int *);
   int cischa(int, char *, int, int, char **);
In my "main" program, actually a driver for my code,
ardrvr.c, I have:
   char buf[SCREEN][COLS][MAX_SCREEN];
   char prefix[6][KEYS];
   int  curr;
   curr = 0;
   cischa(pnlptr, "PREFIX", 0, SCREEN, prefix[curr]);
   ared2bf9EDIT, curr, buf, free, list);
And, in ared2bf.c, I have:
   int ared2bf(struct st_edit **EDIT, int base, char ***buf,
	int *free, int *list)
Finally, in cischa.c, I have:
   int cischa(int pnlptr, char *fldnam, int fstelm, int numelm,
	char **string)

When I try and compile the above code, in MSC 5.1,  and its 
supporting functions, I get the following errors:
ardrvr.c(63) : warning C4047: 'arguement' : different levels
	of indirection
ardrvr.c(63) : warning C4024: 'cischa' : different types :
	parameter 5
ardrvr.c(64) : warning C4047: 'arguement' : different levels
	of indirection
ardrvr.c(64) : warning C4024: 'ared2bf' : different types :
	parameter 3

Where lines 63 and 64 are the two lines that call the functions
cischa and ared2bf in ardrvr.  Of course, these errors repeat
themselves for each of the calls that I have in ardrvr.

The questions that I have, is: How am I supposed to pass
my multidimensional arrays to a function.  I have a 2x2
character string, buf, and an array of charcter strings,
prefix. With buf, I want to pass the whole array, and with
prefix, only that from index curr on.  How do I accomplish
this amazing feat, which I, of course %\), think that I 
am doing correctly with my implementation.

Also, instead of saying 
    char buf[SCREEN][COLS][MAX_SCREEN];

I would like to say,
    char buf[SCREEN][cols][MAX_SCREEN];

where cols is an int that I have passed into ardrvr, and
is application dependent.  As it is, COLS is application 
independent, just change the #define, but two different
calls, with varying column (COLS) length is not permissable.
How do I go about coding this?

I want to personally thank each and every one of you
who answers, or even thinks about my problems.  I read
this group, so either post it here or email me directly
at ztdh0a at

Tom Haynes.  

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