varargs -> normal parameters

Jochen M. Fritz joefritz at
Wed Jul 18 05:42:54 AEST 1990

I want to write a function, that can call any other function.  The called
function and its parmeters are given as parameters so that it can be called.
The clintcher is since I want to be able to call anything how can I 
dereference the parameters to call the function?

for example:

void foo (void (*fn)(), ...)
     (*fn) (...)         <- how can I do this line?

void bar (int num, char ch)
     printf ("%d %c",num, ch);

main ()
    foo (bar,12,'b');

If there is a portable (ANSI) way to do this, that would be great, but if I 
have to resort to a machine dependant solution (ie pushing the stuff onto
the stack with inline assembly), I`d survive.  My compiler is Turbo C++,
but for now I'm sticking to just C, (I don't wamnt C++ code).  I do have
a 8086 assembler.

Any help would be appreciated.    Please no flames as to why I would want to
do this.  It would be the most elegant solution to my problem.


| Jochen Fritz            | For though we live in the world, we do not |
| joefritz at   | wage war as the world does.-- 2 Cor. 10:3  |      
| usergk2s at rpitsmts.bitnet| You have heard it said, Love your neighbor |
| Noah [the peace monger] | and hate your enemy.  But I tell you: Love |
|                         | your enemies.  Matt. 5:43-44               |

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