perror - (was Re: redirecting output)

Boyd Roberts boyd at necisa.ho.necisa.oz
Sun Jul 8 17:56:32 AEST 1990

In article <1990Jul7.020719.14239 at> Sm at (Scott Merrilees) writes:
>I've never come across the need for the *++my_name == '\0' check, has
>anybody else?  Boyd?

Well, I haven't seen it, but it can happen.

But, the day someone goes...

    p = "/bin/junk/";

    execl(p, p, ..., (char *)0);


    $ /bin/junk/ ...

I don't want my messages to say:

    : Could not save "the world".  Not owner

The philosophy of ``it'll never* happen, so don't code for it'' is _wrong_.

Boyd Roberts			boyd at

``When the going gets wierd, the weird turn pro...''

* never  == low probability, but still possible

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