Adivce on C reference wanted

ccsi67 at ccsi67 at
Sat Mar 10 10:28:24 AEST 1990

Can anyone out there point me in the direction to a good textbook
to use to learn C.  I have Think C for the Mac and have a large amount
of exposure to Pascal.  However, the my university doesn't offer a course
on C (but a community college 30 miles away does :-) ).  Any advice would
be greatly appreciated.
Please email any info.  Thanks in advance

|            	               || I doubt if the Univ. Iowa subscribes to my  |
|  Joseph F. Wagner            || opinions.                                   |
|                              ||                                             |
|      	         	       || Virtue is insufficient temptation           |
|                              ||              - George Bernard Shaw          |
| ccsi67 at  ||   					      |
|        OR                    ||					      |
| ccsi67 at ||                			      |
|                              ||					      |

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