problems/risks due to programming language

Mark Harrison harrison at necssd.NEC.COM
Wed Mar 7 00:24:23 AEST 1990

In article <2905 at>, ok at (Richard O'keefe) writes:

> : defined.  That means that you can have a statement which you meant to have
> : in the if statement but isn't."  You know, something like
> :   if (a == b)
> :        bar(a);
> :        foo(a);
> :   a++;
> : Do you propose making an editor macro to handle ifs to prevent this?

You might look at Gimpel Software's PC-Lint and Flexe-Lint packages.  It will
warn you if your indenting does not match your curly braces, along with
dozens of other really useful warnings (printf args not matching fmt string,

They advertise in Dr. Dobbs, Comp. Language, etc.  The two programs are the
same; PC-Lint runs on MS-DOS, Flexe-lint runs on Unix, VMS, CMS, Amiga,
Macintosh, and just about any other environment that supports K&R C.
Mark Harrison				| (these opinions
harrison at necssd.NEC.COM			|  are my own, etc.)
{necntc,}!necssd!harrison |

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