Passing functions in C

Gordon Burditt gordon at sneaky.UUCP
Thu Mar 15 16:40:14 AEST 1990

>>i would like to be able to write a procedure that takes as
>>a parameter a procedure name and then using that name
>>calls the procedure.
>>ie  runAProcedure(myProcedure)
>>   {
>>	myProcedure
>>Is this possible to do in C?  Any help or advise is appreciated
>>tho please e-mail responses so the net won't be cluttered.
>NO! It is not possible to do in C! (Im pretty sure you cant do this
>in ANSI C either). 

Yes, it is.  Some really old compilers did accept myfunct(), where
myfunct is of type pointer-to-function-returning-something, as meaning
the same as (*myfunct)().  Modern compilers tend to at least give
warnings about it.

>From section 3.7.1 of the Jan 1988 ANSI C draft (sorry, that's the most
recent one I have):

To pass one function to another, one might say
	int f(void)
	/* ... */

Note that f must be declared explicitly in the calling function, as
its appearance in the expression g(f) was not followed by (.
Then the definition of g might read

	g(int (*funcp)(void))
		/* ... */ (*funcp)() /* or funcp() ... */
or, equivalently,
	g(int func(void))
	/* ... */ func() /* or (*func)() ... */


ANSI allows this, and even gives an example of it.

						Gordon L. Burditt!gordon

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