if (e1) return e2; [else] s1;

John Hascall hascall at cs.iastate.edu
Sat Mar 24 06:50:21 AEST 1990

    Ok, style mavens, which is "better":

    if (e1) return e2;                    if (e1) return e2;
    else s1;                              s1;

    I'm not sure which of the above is better, but I am sort of
    "stuck on" the following convention:

    if (e1) s1;        \
      --or--            \
    if (e1) {           | Does this seem reasonable?
	s1;             | (ignoring whether or not the `{'
    }                   | belongs on the next line or not)
    --but never--       |
    if (e1)             /
	s1;            /

Stylistically yours,
John Hascall
hascall at atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu

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