if (e1) return e2; [else] s1;

Jim Miller jamiller at hpcupt1.HP.COM
Tue Mar 27 05:45:45 AEST 1990

>>    Ok, style mavens, which is "better":
>>    if (e1) return e2;                    if (e1) return e2;
>>    else s1;                              s1;

I'd vote for the second one.

>or 'Allman' (the names came from an 'emacs' manual, BTW):
>     if (e1)
>	 {
>	 s1;
>	 }

I like that one, because I prefer the following:

     if (e1) {

(IMHO) I don't think I "lose" anything by putting the { with the if, but I
think I do if the } is not on a separtate line.

   jim  miller

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