general routine for calendar application...

Stephen Clamage steve at taumet.COM
Mon May 28 07:22:59 AEST 1990

In article <9270.643838242 at> jman at ICS.UCI.EDU writes:
>Is there anybody in the net who might have a routine for calculating
>the day of the week given an arbitrary date.

Here is an algorithm known as Zeller's congruence.  It may be of
general interest, so I am posting it.  I found it in a magazine (I
forget which one) a few years ago.

The day of the week (0 = Sunday) is given by
  W = ((26*M - 2) / 10 + D + Y + Y/4 + C/4 - 2*C) % 7
	C is the century
	Y is the last two digits of the year
	D is the day of the month
	M is a special month number, where Jan and Feb are taken as
	  month 11 and 12 of the previous year

Each division is truncating division, and the terms cannot be combined.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve at

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