signals, longjmp, and ANSI C

peter da silva peter at
Sat May 26 01:57:07 AEST 1990

In article <24654.265c32f6 at>, merriman at writes:
> You can do anything in a VMS or RSX AST that takes into consideration 
> the logical concurrency issues involved in the application. Most native
> library and system services are designed to be AST-re-entrant. Some brain-dead
> C RTL implementations don't understand what this means.

There sure was no C RTL involved when I was doing this. If it was a run-time
library problem it was in the Fortran RTL, because that's what I was running
Forth under. This was in the early '80s, and the system probably dated back
before that.

> > Anyway, you sure couldn't longjmp out of one, at least not in 11/M. I know
> > that because I wanted to do it for a Forth implementation.
                                         ^^^^^--- This is an important word.

> longjump is not an RSX concept.

Longjmp is a *language* concept, and has nothing to do with any O/S.

> You must have been using something cobbled up 
> to mimic UNIX behavior

I must have. Go back and read what I wrote and tell me why I MUST HAVE
been "using something cobbled up to mimic UNIX behaviour". Let's see, I was
talking about C and Forth and RSX. Nothing to do with UNIX there. You MUST
HAVE jumped to a conclusion in the absence of evidence.

This was running John James' FIG Forth for the PDP-11, with a Fortran
skeleton to avoid having to figure out how to do serial file I/O via
QIOs. (ech) And I couldn't do a QIO$W from an AST. I guess this falls
under the "takes into consideration the logical concurrency issues..."
`-_-' Peter da Silva. +1 713 274 5180.  <peter at>
 'U`  Have you hugged your wolf today?  <peter at>
@FIN  Dirty words: Zhghnyyl erphefvir vayvar shapgvbaf.

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