Acessing modem from C

Bill Campbell campbell at Thalatta.COM
Sat May 5 01:39:13 AEST 1990

In article <44008 at> mitchemt at (Terry Mitchem) writes:
:>	HELP!! I am trying to access my modem (under xenix 286). I have no
:>idea how to do this and the manuals arn't very helpful. The modem is on tty1a
:>(1A if you care about modem control). I just need some hints to help me get
:>started. I tried to open tty1a as a file but had no luck. It seems that the
:>modem won't accept anything I write there as a command. Any and all help is 
:>appreciated. Please E-mail if possible.

You need to open with the O_NDELAY to open with no carrier detect.  This
allows the open to succeed before carrier is present.  Without the O_NDELAY
the open waits for carrier.

The best thing for you to do is look at the dialer sources in /usr/lib/uucp
on your Xenix system.
--\                    Bill Campbell; Celestial Software
...uw-entropy----!thebes!camco!bill 6641 East Mercer Way
....fluke------/                    Mercer Island, Wa 98040
....hplsla----/                     (206) 232-4164

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