p2c benchmarks?

Michael Lamoureux lamour at smiley.uucp
Wed May 30 04:43:55 AEST 1990

	I was just wondering if anyone has done any benchmarks on the
before & after results of p2c.  I realize that the purpose of this program
is not necessarily to increase the performance of the code, but only to
translate it.  Some people were asking if I knew if the resulting code
would run slower, equal, or faster than the original Pascal code, and by
how much (on the average).  I honestly didn't know, but was wondering if
anyone could give me some insight to this problem.
	I also imagine that compiling the resulting C code with gcc might
give it a little bit more speed.  Any ideas what this might add?

	[ The programs which are in question now run for several hours
so even a slight percentage either way would probably have a large effect ]

Please Email responses, and I'll summarize,

| Michael Lamoureux (lamour at mitre.org)             |
| The MITRE Corporation, McLean VA  (703) 883-5370 |

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