Can lint help an ANSI-C programmer?

Adam Stoller ghoti+ at
Thu May 31 23:48:10 AEST 1990

Excerpts from netnews.comp.lang.c: 31-May-90 Re: Can lint help an
ANSI-C.. e89hse at (1405)

>  Well, I've found that 99% of the times I write: printf("name=%s\n"); I
> just don't care about the return value... Lint warnings about igonred
> return values have never helped me up to now, just bothered me. (BTW if
exit() is properly declared there won't be any warning.)

You may not care about the return value - but does your compiler take
the time to warn you that you didn't supply a needed argument to the
printf() call??

(does lint warn about this?)


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