need better MSC5.1 malloc() w/garb coll.

Cliff C Heyer cliffhanger at
Thu May 31 13:26:49 AEST 1990

Re: MS-DOS MSC 5.1

I'm using a library (w/o source code) that with
heapwalk shows to have lousy memory management
(it was ported from a "real" OS that takes
care of these things) and after awhile malloc()
returns "Out of memory" when in fact there is
150KB free but broken up into 1KB chunks between
other "in use" data.

I would like to replace the MSC malloc() routines
with ones that do garbage collection (and maintain
an internal table to derefrence pointers so this can
be done).

Has anyone heard of such a library, and where it can
be bought?
I suppose I could write it myself....

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