Power C Compiler
Bob Stout
Bob.Stout at p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org
Fri May 4 16:10:01 AEST 1990
In an article of <3 May 90 00:06:46 GMT>, (Ricardo Chan) writes:
>I just got an order card for a C compiler called "Power C",
>sold by "MIX Software" from Richardson, TX.
>Does anybody have any experiense with this package?
>The price advertised is $19.95 +$5 shipping + 8%tax.
Mix Power C is the greatest bargain in the inhabited universe (and my folks
told me 47,297,156,392 times never to exagerate!) Seriously, it's a credibly
decent, quite ANSI-compliant compiler that products reasonably quick, though
not overly tight, code. Although its floating point performance can occasion-
ally rival Watcom's, it's greatest value is for folks just learning the
language. Typically they might spend $50 for Quick C or a little more for
Turbo C, then another $20-50 at the local bookstore buying "C Primer Plus" or
various other books to teach them the language. Provided they can live without
the integrated environment and editor of the others, for their $20, they now
have a compiler that's all they're likely to need and a 600+ page printed
manual that includes one of the best beginner's tutorials in the business. If
the simply want to lighten their wallets a bit more, they can buy Mix's Power
Trace debugger for $20 and the complete library source plus assembler for
another $10 - a total investment of $50. It may not all be pro quality, but it
works and works well for an absolutely incredible price. I occasionally use it
to teach with and I know several advanced amateurs who've never seen the need
to switch to one of the bigger name compilers. For other bargain shoppers,
they have an equally decent C/Database Toolchest (B+ Tree ISAM library) for
$20 supporting Power C, MSC/QC or TC, source $20 extra (prices from memory). I
may love Zortech and deeply respect MSC 6.0, but Mix is a sentimental fave!
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