Re^2: Source for graphics demos?

David B. Thomas dt at yenta.UUCP
Sat May 5 16:24:26 AEST 1990

froelich at writes:
>I too am also interested in sources for graphics routines/demos in C
>Also, I am interested in eventually programing graphics for msdos [etc]

I have written some extremely fast EGA-only graphics routines in assembler.
I used them to implement a bouncing balls program in C, in which several
balls of different sizes and masses bounce elastically around an elliptical
arena, obeying newtonian physics most of the time :-)
You pay for the speed, though, by getting only two colors (I used black and
yellow, but you can choose any two.

I will happily send the (well-commented) sources to all who email
to yenta!dt at [don't mailer is lost!]

						David Thomas

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