prototyping (oh no! not again??)

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at
Thu Nov 29 17:25:27 AEST 1990

In article <DAVIS.90Nov28140038 at>, davis at ("John E. Davis") writes:
> Also, what C lacks is something as the fortran ** operator. Why can't this be
> implemented as a binary operator say as x^y.

For the same reason that SIN isn't a unary operator in Fortran, even
though mathematicians use "sin x" in preference to "sin(x)".  Let's
face it, Fortran hasn't a MOD operator!  (All together now, let's flame
Fortran for not having something as basic as "%".)  The answer is:
either you go the APL route of making _everything_ an operator, or you
draw a line somewhere and say "this has the syntax of an operator, that
has the syntax of a function call".  That choice has *NO* consequences
for how the implementation works.  In this particular case, "^" already
*is* an operator in C, meaning bit-wise exclusive or.

> I am not sure what the pow function does.
Why not check a manual and find out before complaining that C hasn't got 
an equivalent of **?  In ANSI C, if you have done
	#include <math.h>
there is no significant non-syntactic difference between pow() and
An ANSI C compiler is fully entitled to compile
	x = pow(y, 2);		/* I _did_ say ANSI!  Pre-ANSI needs 2.0 */
as 	x = y*y;

Is this in the FAQ?

I am not now and never have been a member of Mensa.		-- Ariadne.

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