Curses question
Jerre Bowen
bowen at wanda.SGI.COM
Tue Nov 27 09:29:16 AEST 1990
Michael Hart writes:
> Anyway, the prog quits with a ctl-C, and is supposed to clear the
> screen. I've tried werase(stdscr), wclear(stdscr), and with & without
> a wrefresh(stdscr). Am I being brain-dead, or is something funky
> with curses on SGI?
> #include <curses.h>
> main()
> {
> char *theStr = "Hello, World! Using Curses!!\n";
> chtype theInput;
> int repCtr = 0;
> /* some curses initialization items first
> init the curses code
> call character mode for input (cbreak)
> set noecho
> set to clear input buffer on an interrupt intrflus
> */
> initscr();
> cbreak();
> noecho();
> intrflush();
> nodelay(stdscr,TRUE);
> scrollok(stdscr,TRUE);
> theInput = wgetch(stdscr);
> while ( theInput != KEY_END) {
> addstr(theStr);
> repCtr++;
> wprintw(stdscr,"%d \n",repCtr);
> theInput = wgetch(stdscr);
> }
> wclear(stdscr);
> wrefresh(stdscr);
> endwin();
> }
> Michael G. Hart hart at / mhart at
cbreak() mode delivers characters to the program one by one, but
interrupt characters still cause signals to be sent the program, so when
you <ctrl>-c the program (as you say above if I understand correctly)
the process is terminated unnaturally via a SIGINT and therefore never
hits the wclear() and etc. You must catch SIGINT (using sigset(), for
example) if you intend to use <ctrl>-c as the termination sequence. I
think there are other bugs in this program, however, just glancing at
the curses man page--initscr() needs some parameters and I don't think
using KEY_END is legit without first initializing the keypad.
Jerre Bowen
bowen at
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