YACC for the PC

Mark A. Yedinak yedinak at motcid.UUCP
Tue Nov 6 07:15:34 AEST 1990

	I am currently developing some test tools and would like to know if yacc
    and lex are available for AT style PC's. It would also be acceptable to
    transfer the files created by yacc from a Sun to the PC if this is possible.
    Any information would greatly be appreciated. If there are any other parser's
    available, I would also be interested information about those as well. I do
    need the parser to be somewhat portable, the tool may be used on both PC's
    and Sun's. The parser, if not yacc, nust be easy to learn and easy to modify
    the language defined. Thanks for the help.

Mark A. Yedinak - uunet!motcid!yedinak 		*  "Don't take life too
Motorola - General Systems Sector		*   seriously, you will
3205 Wilke Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004	*   never get out of it
708-632-2874  (I said it, not the big M)	*         ALIVE!"

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