Project/Make problem in Turbo C 2.0

Nicholas Dimas ndimas at pikes.Colorado.EDU
Sat Nov 24 04:34:48 AEST 1990

Hi, I'm having the following problem with the Project/Make
utility.  I have a header file "define2.h" that contains in it the 
following items:

		#include <stdio.h>
		#include <math.h>
		#define stuff 
		double weights[3]={1 2 3};
		double zeros[3]={1 2 3};

Now I have main with the following items:

		#include "define2.h"

		extern void main_1( void );

Now I have main_1() with the following items:

		#include "define2.h"
The Project/Make file has the name prog.prj and contains the following:  

		prog1.c /* which is main */
		prog2.c /* which is main_1() */

When I press F9 like the manual writes, I get the following errors:

		_weights defined in prog1.c is redefined in prog2.c
		_zeros defined in prog1.c is redefined in prog2.c

I do not understand this error.  Can someone please help me.

Thank You
Nicholas Dimas
e-mail: ndimas at

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