alloca() portability

David Conrad dave at
Wed Nov 14 18:23:10 AEST 1990

In article <PAULB.90Nov12131357 at> paulb at (Paul Beusterien) writes:
)In my opinion alloca is the cleanest way to allocate memory that is needed
)for the lifetime of a single routine.   Why go to the trouble of allocating
)memory from a generic place when it can be associated with the routine
)that uses it? 

Okay, I'm ready to draw major flames here.  This has already been added.
In C++ the destructor of a class is automatically called when a variable
of that class goes out of scope.  The destructor can perform cleanup like
deallocating memory, etc.
I certainly hope I remembered my flame-retardant underwear.
David R. Conrad
dave at
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