Why is this code fragment not compiling?

Mahesh Subramanya mahesh at news.nd.edu
Thu Nov 15 01:23:52 AEST 1990

I have been beating my head against this for pretty much the whole night, 
and am starting to doubt my own sanity.  I've been trying to get some C 
compiled on a DecSystem 3100 running Ultrix 3.1 (Rev. 15) and have been 
unsuccesful (very).  I finally managed to isolate the problem  to one
particular fragment - the following:

	int *lgstr;
	int *numlist;
	int indexval;

	*numlist++ = (  lgstr[indexval] || 1  );


What, pray what is wrong with the above?  Is there something incredibly
boneheaded that I am doing?  On trying to compile  (with   cc test.c  ),
I get the error

(ccom): test.c, line 10: ccom: Internal: wasted space: 2001725020

It seems to merrily compile on every other machine that I have tried it on.

Thanx a million for any idea.  (The above line of code may look rather
stupid, but it WILL NOT compile)

Mahesh Subramanya                     INTERNET: mahesh at darwin.cc.nd.edu
Senior Analyst                        
Office of University Computing        NeXT:     mahesh at numenor.cc.nd.edu
University of Notre Dame              Voice:    (219) 239-5600  x6421
Notre Dame,  IN  46556

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