Coding Standards. was: a style question

Bob Martin rmartin at
Thu Nov 22 05:16:10 AEST 1990

In article <291 at dcsun21.dataco.UUCP> amodeo at dataco.UUCP (Roy Amodeo) writes:
>In article <IMP.90Nov16123956 at marvin.Solbourne.COM> you write:
>>In article <1990Nov10.191840.21113 at> rmartin at (Bob Martin) writes:
>>: It specifies that functions should have single entrance and single
>>: exit points
>>This is a bogus restriction, at least in terms of a single exit point.
>It does solve some problems. The code fragments you've posted are
>a pretty good illustration of why such standards exist. May I please
>"correct" them?
>A method we have been using on a very large project that retains readability
>in exchange for making cleanup code a bit more awkward is the following:
>( adapted to the conventions above )
>In a project-wide include file we have
>#define	FAILIF( cond, reason )	{ if (cond) { FAIL_ACTION; return reason; } }
>#define	FAIL_ACTION	/*-- default is do nothing	--*/ 
>The code we would write for your example would be:
>#define	FAIL_ACTION	\
>		if ( file-is-opened ) \
>			close-file; \
>		if ( more-memory-was-got ) \
>			free-more-memory; \
>		if ( memory-allocated ) \
>			free-memory; \
>	FAILIF( !allocate-memory, NO_MEM );
>	do some stuff
>	FAILIF( !get-more-memory, NO_MEM );
>	do more stuff
>	FAILIF( !open-file, NO_FILE );
>	do even more stuff
>	FAILIF( !alloc more memory, NO_MEM );
>	return	OK;

The thing that I don't like about this is that the "cleanup"
code is relatively hidden, and thus it is easier for a noviciate
to make modifications which are not "cleaned up".

I understand the desire to hide the cleanup details since they
detract from the 'intent' of the function.  It is easier to
determine "what" a program is doing if the cleanup details
are hidden.  But it is harder to determine if the "what" is
being done correctly.  

IMHO if a function is going to be understood, then the details
are just as important as the "what", and deserve as prominent
a place in the code.  If this makes the function a bit harder
to understand, then I say that the extra effort is justified
since otherwise the function would not "really" be understood.

When you hide cleanup details, you are sending a message to future
readers of your code:  "Don't worry about this guys, I've already
taken care of it."  This is _never_ the message you want to send.
Instead you want to say:  "This is what I did to do the job, and
this is what I did to clean up after."

+-Robert C. Martin-----+:RRR:::CCC:M:::::M:| Nobody is responsible for |
| rmartin at    |:R::R:C::::M:M:M:M:| my words but me.  I want  |
| uunet!clrcom!rmartin |:RRR::C::::M::M::M:| all the credit, and all   |
+----------------------+:R::R::CCC:M:::::M:| the blame.  So there.     |

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