error handling techniques?

Alan S. Mazer alan at cogswell.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
Sat Nov 3 07:58:31 AEST 1990

I'm interested in what approaches people use for error handling, particularly
in general purpose function libraries and large software systems.  If someone
can reference a text or article, that would be good.  

Meanwhile, to give an example of the type of stuff I'm thinking of, here are
some examples.  Say you're writing a function library.  When you detect an
error (the distinction between user and internal errors is ignored here) you

1. Set an error code (similar to errno in Unix) and return -1, leaving the
   application to check for specific errors or print out one of a supplied
   set of messages.
2. Call an application-specified error handler, and if none, call a default
   error handler.
3. Print out a message from the package.  (Where this should be displayed
   and how is also a factor.  It may not be possible to write to the user's

Similarly, say an application discovers that it has some internal error.
Should it

1. Print a message and dump core.
2. Save some transparently-maintained log of user actions to disk along with
   a message indicating what's happened.
3. Provide a traceback of function calls and ask the user whether or not to

What other approaches are there?

-- Alan			       # My aptitude test in high school suggested that
   ..!ames!elroy!alan	       # I should become a forest ranger.  Take my
   alan at     # opinions on computers with a grain of salt.

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