EXE file size, C vs. Pascal

Joseph J. Nuspl Jr. nuspljj at mentor.cc.purdue.edu
Sat Nov 10 12:50:14 AEST 1990

Over the past year, I have written several Unix-like commands -- cat, ls, ...
in Turbo Pascal 5.5.  I have recently rewritten them in Turbo C++ hoping
to improve speed and/or reduce file size.  The C compiled programs are
significanly larger.  Cat in Pascal is ~3k, Turbo C ~17, DeSmet C ~10.

I will continue my 'Ms-Dix' project and was wondering which platform, C or
Pascal, that I should continue with.  I am trying to keep the size of the
executables small and have the speed of execution as fast as possible.

BTW - I don't have time to code every thing in Assembler.



      __    __________    _________
     /_/|  /_________/|  /________/|	Joseph J. Nuspl Jr.
     | ||  |  ____  | |  | _______|/	nuspljj at mentor.cc.purdue.edu
     | ||  | ||   | | |  | ||______
  __ | ||  | ||   | | |  | |/_____/|	Purdue University	
 /_/|| ||  | ||   | | |  | _______|/	Shreve Hall, Room 308
 | ||| ||  | ||___| | |  | ||______	West Lafayette, IN 47906
 | |_| ||  | |/___| | |  | |/_____/|
 |_____|/  |________|/   |________|/	(317) 495-5415

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