Turbo C Librarian

Steve L Vissage II svissag at hubcap.clemson.edu
Thu Oct 25 02:06:19 AEST 1990

I have Turbo C, but none of the documentation that goes with it, and I can't
figure out how to use the Librarian (tlib.exe).  Could someone please explain
it's functions to me?   Befor you ask, yes, I do know that if you just type
tlib with no parameters, it gives you a help screen.  I don't find the help
particularly helpful.  So could someone please educate me, through private
e-mail, please?  Specifically, I would like to know if I can use TLIB to create
my own libraries of functions, and how I would do that.
Steve L Vissage II
svissag at hubcap.clemson.edu

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