Introductory C Texts <SUMMARY>

patrick k ferrick ferrick at
Tue Oct 23 08:01:17 AEST 1990

A while back I posted asking for advice on a good C text, and since
I promised to post a summary of the results, here goes:

1. The C Programming Language - (Kernighan & Ritchie)

2. MicroSoft C Programming for the IBM-PC - (Robert LaFore & The Waite Group)

3. MicroSoft C Bible - (Barbakatiti)  

4. C: The Complete Reference - (Herbert Schildt)   ISBN 0-07-881263-1

5. First Book on C - (Kelly & Pohl)

This represents the order (by numbers of proponents!) of the five texts
that I recieved votes for.  This is all the information that I 
other claims made!!!!

  /\T B\   Patrick K. Ferrick / KA2AYK       |  Heaven's net casts wide;
 /  \E S\  ferrick at       |  Though its meshes are coarse,
 \  /   /  219 Computing Center              |  Nothing slips through.
  \/___/   State University of NY at Buffalo |  {Lao Tzu}

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