switch break

Roy M. Silvernail roy%cybrspc at cs.umn.edu
Fri Oct 5 09:46:14 AEST 1990

dkeisen at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU (Dave Eisen) writes:

> Changing the default to breaking and allowing the word
> continue to be used for fall-through  where would make switch statements 
> cleaner and would save typing in both the fall through and other case --- 

Continue, though, is already a keyword for loop control. Giving it two
seperate and context-dependant tasks would, IMHO, _really_ screw people
up. I'll keep the breaks, thank you, and the inherent lack of
constriction C allows.
Roy M. Silvernail |+|  roy%cybrspc at cs.umn.edu  |+| #define opinions ALL_MINE;
main(){float x=1;x=x/50;printf("It's only $%.2f, but it's my $%.2f!\n",x,x);}
"This is cyberspace." -- Peter da Silva  :--:  "...and I like it here!" -- me

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