Some interesting novice questions from a novice guy

John Stanley stanley at
Mon Oct 29 11:19:05 AEST 1990

dik at (Dik T. Winter) writes:

> Calm down please.  Rahul Dhesis idea is not that wrong.

   I am perfectly calm. The definition of continue was both fatally
anthropomorphic and incorrect.

>  >             The correct definition of "continue", in the C language
>  > context, is "go to the top of the smallest enclosing while, do, or for."
> This is wrong, it is not go to the top, but go to the bottom!

   Please argue with M.I. Bolsky of the Systems Training Center at AT&T
Bell Labs. This is a direct quote of his. 

   Your definition is also wrong. K&R 2ed, p. 65, "continue ... causes
the the next iteration of the enclosing for, while, or do loop to begin."
It does not refer to "Hey, you! Try again", nor to "go to the bottom".

> To correct Rahuls words:
> 	"Hey you!  I have seen this, now please get the next one, if any!"

   Still fatally anthropomorphic. And impolite. There is no "Thank you"

"Arinth is a beautiful planet." "Oh, have you been there?"
  "Yes, but not yet." The Doctor. (TB)

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