a style question
Tim Bomgardner
bomgard at iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
Sun Oct 14 01:06:24 AEST 1990
In article <1990Oct12.225501.15701 at cbnewsm.att.com> lfd at cbnewsm.att.com (leland.f.derbenwick) writes:
}[various writers' theories about the origins of C]
}Bzzzt. Thank you for playing.
}[correct pedigree presented]
}(BTW, the PDP-11 purchase was justified for use as a word-processing
}system for the legal department: for all that people complain about
}how "obscure" and "difficult" the Unix system is, it was being used
}routinely by a group of secretaries in 1971.)
Bzzzt. Thank you for playing.
Running a word processor (if that's what they called it back then) and
use of basic file manipulation commands can
hardly be described as "using" an operating system in any meaningful
sense of the word. In any case, I take exception to your implication
that secretaries are incapable of dealing with anything that is "obscure"
or "difficult." The fact that they did it says much more about the
secretaries than it does about Unix.
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