a style question

Michael Meissner meissner at osf.org
Sat Oct 13 02:08:12 AEST 1990

In article <EYC66N8 at xds13.ferranti.com> peter at ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) writes:

| Path: paperboy!snorkelwacker!usc!wuarchive!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!lavaca.uh.edu!menudo.uh.edu!nuchat!sugar!ficc!peter
| From: peter at ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva)
| Newsgroups: comp.lang.c
| Date: 12 Oct 90 03:11:50 GMT
| References: <1990Oct6.231143.28186 at zoo.toronto.edu> <65263 at lanl.gov>
| Reply-To: peter at ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva)
| Organization: Xenix Support, FICC
| Lines: 15
| In article <65263 at lanl.gov> jlg at lanl.gov (Jim Giles) writes:
| > In the _very_ early days of C, it may have compared well to the PDP-8
| > assembler - mostly because it way practically an upward compatible
| > extension of that assembler.
| Talking of contrary to observed fact: the PDP-8 had no part in the
| development of the C programming language. Perhaps you're thinking
| of the PDP-11.

Or if you know your UNIX pre-history, the PDP-7.
Michael Meissner	email: meissner at osf.org		phone: 617-621-8861
Open Software Foundation, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, 02142

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