Does LINT understand ANSI prototyping?

Richard Stanton rstanton at portia.Stanford.EDU
Thu Oct 25 04:38:36 AEST 1990

First, sorry about posting what is a somewhat UNIX specific question here,
but I had no response from comp.unix...

I have a multipart program which I developed under DOS and VMS. I recently
gained access to a UNIX system, so tried to use LINT on the whole thing,
only to have it choke horribly on my header files, which use full ANSI
prototyping (double func(double t) etc).

The system here runs Ultrix V3.1C, if that's important. 

Does LINT not understand ANSI prototypes? Is there a way of setting flags
so that it does, or do I need to rewrite my header files (if so, what is the
preferred way of doing this? I'd like to keep the full prototypes as they are,
if possible).

Thanks for any suggestions

Richard Stanton
pstanton at

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