C for CP/M (late follow-up)

Richard Bumby bumby at math.rutgers.edu
Wed Oct 10 04:54:08 AEST 1990

A recent posting noted that Manx Software had a version of C for CP/M,
but was not able to provide any means of contacting them.  None of the
other postings on this thread were able to help on this.  All postings
on this thread have all vanished from our system by now, so I can not
format this as a true follow-up message.

As of early 1989, Manx was still advertising, and I copied this
information from one of their ads:

			Manx Software Systems
			  One Industrial Way
			 Eatontown, NJ 07724
 Phone: 800-221-0440 (in US and outside NJ), 201-542-2121 (otherwise)
	      Telex: 499 5812 MANX     Fax 201-542-8386

I have their DOS version, and the documentation appears to be partly
common to the CP/M version.

Disclaimer:  I have no other connection with Manx Software, but I work
for an organization that benefits from business done in New Jersey.

--R. T. Bumby ** Math ** Rutgers ** New Brunswick ** NJ08903 ** USA --
  above postal address abbreviated by internet to bumby at math.rutgers.edu
  voice communication unreliable -- telephone ignored -- please use Email

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