Ansi cpp question

Amos Shapira amoss at SHUM.HUJI.AC.IL
Mon Oct 8 05:27:41 AEST 1990>
Organization: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Lines: 19
Apparently-To: post-usenet at

roger at (Roger House) writes:

>Microsoft C allows whitespace before "#" on preprocessor lines.  I find this
>quite useful for for indenting nested #if, #else, etc.

>      Roger House

In case you want to do this on a "traditional" pre-processor, it is possible
to put white-space between the '#' sign (which stays in the first column) and
the rest of the directive, it has the same effect as far as the readability
is concerned.

Amos Shapira,
MOSIX System Group,
Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, Israel

#include <std_disclaimer.h>

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