Turbo C Interrupt Question

Bob Stout Bob.Stout at p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org
Wed Oct 10 22:59:13 AEST 1990

The minute you do a geninterupt(8), you screw up your machine's time. Although 
AT and higher class PC's include a battery backed real-time clock, the only 
time it's used is when the machine's booted and its time is loaded into DOS. 
Thereafter, DOS time (i.e. the TIME command, all file time/date stamps, etc.) 
are based on the time as maintained by Int 8. Start throwing in spurious 
interrupts (bad idea anyway since Int 8 is a hardware interrupt) and you mess 
up all sorts of things. Int 1Ch is provided for just this purpose -  a 
software interrupt triggered off the Int 8 hardware interrupt. Generating 
asynchronous Int 8's means your system will also have to figure out why your 
Int 8 handler is sending out spurious EOI commands to the timer chip when it 
hasn't previously signalled an interrupt to the CPU via the interrupt 
controller chip. 

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