Some interesting novice questions from a novice guy

Dik T. Winter dik at
Sun Oct 28 13:14:35 AEST 1990

In article <L15PR5w161w at> stanley at (John Stanley) writes:
 > dhesi%cirrusl at (Rahul Dhesi) writes:
 > >        But the C meaning of "continue" (not to be confused with the
 > > Fortran meaning of "CONTINUE") is more like: "Hey you!  Just what the
 > > heck do you think you are doing?  Stop that right now!  Go back to the
 > > beginning and do it all over again, and try to do it right this time!"
 >    Your problems are 1) a fatal overdose of anthropomorphism and 2) a
 > personally concocted definition of "continue" that does not match the
 > real world.
Calm down please.  Rahul Dhesis idea is not that wrong.
 >             The correct definition of "continue", in the C language
 > context, is "go to the top of the smallest enclosing while, do, or for."
This is wrong, it is not go to the top, but go to the bottom!
Consider the difference in a 'do {...} while'.  Go to the top will never see
the test.

To correct Rahuls words:
	"Hey you!  I have seen this, now please get the next one, if any!"
dik t. winter, cwi, amsterdam, nederland
dik at

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