Michael Meissner meissner at
Thu Oct 25 05:13:52 AEST 1990

In article <5633 at abaa.UUCP> korsberg at abaa.uucp (Ed Korsberg) writes:

| I have not used RCS but I incorporate revision strings in my source files
| by including the following line for C source files:
| /****************************************************************************
|  Copyright 1990 Your company name
|  %W%, Date %G%
| *****************************************************************************/
| Assuming the source file is named foobar.c  the above line %W%, Date %G%
| will expand to
|         @(#)foobar.c  1.7, Date 10/22/90
|                       ^ ^
| Major revision--------! !
| Minor revision----------!
| This expansion is done when SCCS checks a file back into the database.

But this is not what was asked for.  Under RCS, you have a line with
$Log$ in it, RCS will copy the contents of the reason for the change
into the file at that point, keeping a running history of the changes
made to the file since it was created (or until you delete the log
entries manually).

Without building programs that sit on top of sccs, I don't know of
anyway to automagically add the revision history.
Michael Meissner	email: meissner at		phone: 617-621-8861
Open Software Foundation, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, 02142

Do apple growers tell their kids money doesn't grow on bushes?

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