same_seg pragma

Gary Raymond Schmidt grs at
Fri Apr 19 18:46:12 AEST 1991

I  have a small question in re the same_seg() pragma under MS-C 5 on..

   Does the same_seg() pragma chain declarations - i.e. is:

      #pragma same_seg(a, b, c)
      #pragma same_seg(c, d, e)

   the same as:

      #pragma same_seg(a, b, c, d, e)
   I can't find an adequate definition in the manuals, and my eyes are
far too tired to try and read the generated code to determine any


| Gary R. Schmidt        || MHSnet: grs at
| Co-Cam Computer Group, || I sees it, but I don' believes it !!
| Melbourne, OZ          || VOX +61 3 412 3431   FAX +61 3 412 7857

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