C compiler for 386 or 486

Noam Mendelson c60b-1eq at e260-1g.berkeley.edu
Wed Apr 24 13:08:40 AEST 1991

In article <mjnkowcz.672352737 at unix1.tcd.ie> mjnkowcz at unix1.tcd.ie (Maciej Jankowicz) writes:
>	The PC's using 386 or 486 CPU are present for some time, but
>I don't know about any C compilers which are able to generate code 
>suitable for them to get the best of the machine. For example Turbo
>C can toggle only between 86/88 and 186/286 instruction sets.

How about gcc for DOS?  It requires a 32-bit processor.  I know
you can get it from sandstorm.berkeley.edu under pub/GNU/gcc, but I'm
sure you can find a more up-to-date version elsewhere (comments,

| Noam Mendelson   ..!ucbvax!web!c60b-1eq       | "I haven't lost my mind, |
| c60b-1eq at web.Berkeley.EDU                     |  it's backed up on tape  |
| University of California at Berkeley          |  somewhere."             |

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